Memory and Problem-Solving

Dear Subscribers;

If you have limited time to read through the entire blog, here are a few play-based activities focusing on activities to enjoy together with your child to further develop their memories and problem-solving skills. Memory games improve working memory or the information that we hold in our brains to access straight away — like phone numbers, addresses, seeing patterns or counting or when creating tangrams. Children with strong working memories access all areas of learning more easily and are better able to focus on activities, retain information, and apply it with accuracy. When children find it easy to learn they feel positive about learning, and about themselves. Children with strong problem-solving skills use their memory, think creatively, manage their emotions, and persist until they find a solution.

1.  Read and Sing together 📚 

2. Create together: Puzzles, Crafts, Singing, Drawing and Constructing 🧩 

When children create tangram patterns, they learn beginning geometry vocabulary for manipulating shapes such as “flip” or “rotate” as they gain a better understanding of spatial relationships. 

3. Explore together 🌍

4. Engage and Interact: 👭

5. Reflect: Remembering, Memories and Problem-solving 💭

Read about how to teach children problem-solving skills or learn more about 15 easy to do memory games for children.